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Web & App Development Bootcamp

Full Stack NodeJS Developer Bootcamp:
Building Modern Web and Mobile Applications with an
Introduction to Cloud Computing

Web & App Development Bootcamp

Full Stack NodeJS Developer Bootcamp: Building Modern Web and Mobile Applications with an Introduction to Cloud Computing

Experience Level
Aspiring Web & App Developers
12 weeks (72 hours)
Discount Options

Early Bird Discount: The first 10 applicants for each course will receive a 30% discount on the course fee.

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Dive into a 12-week intensive bootcamp designed to make you into a proficient Full Stack NodeJS Developer.

This bootcamp is designed to equip you with the skills to build modern web and mobile applications from scratch. Starting with the fundamentals of web development, you will learn to create interactive web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, before diving into advanced front-end frameworks like React or Angular.

The course also covers back-end development using Node.js/Express or Django, where you will learn to set up servers and integrate databases. You will then transition into mobile app development, creating applications with React Native or Flutter and integrating them with APIs.

As we approach the end of the course, you will gain insights into cloud computing, learning to deploy your applications on cloud platforms and app stores, all while understanding the critical aspects of security and performance optimisation.

The bootcamp culminates in a capstone project, where you will build a full-fledged web and mobile application, showcasing the comprehensive skill set you've acquired over the weeks.

Step into the dynamic world of full-stack development and cloud computing, and arm yourself with skills that are in high demand in the data driven world of today!

Course Outline

Course Schedule Details

    • Saturday
    • Sunday
    • 10:00am - 12:00pm (Work Session)
    • 12:00pm - 1:00pm (Lunch - Provided)
    • 1:00pm - 2:00pm (Work Session)
    Week 1
      - Overview of web and app development.
      - Understanding front-end and back-end development.
      - Setting up a development environment.
    Week 2
      - Version control with Git and GitHub.
      - Introduction to HTML and CSS.
      - Hands-on: Creating a simple webpage using HTML and CSS.
    Week 3
      - Advanced CSS: Flexbox and Grid.
      - Introduction to JavaScript.
      - Hands-on: Adding interactivity to your webpage using JavaScript.
    Week 4
      - Introduction to popular front-end frameworks (React or Angular).
      - Hands-on: Building a single-page application (SPA) using a front-end framework.
    Week 5
      - Introduction to back-end development.
      - Setting up a server using Node.js/Express or Django.
      - Hands-on: Building a REST API.
    Week 6
      - Database fundamentals: SQL vs. NoSQL.
      - Hands-on: Integrating a database with your back-end server.
    Week 7
      - Introduction to mobile app development.
      - Setting up a development environment for mobile app development.
      - Hands-on: Creating a simple mobile app.
    Week 8
      - Advanced mobile app development: working with APIs.
      - Hands-on: Building a mobile app with API integration.
    Week 9
      - Introduction to cloud computing and hosting.
      - Deploying a web application.
      - Hands-on: Deploying your web application to a cloud platform.
    Week 10
      - Mobile app deployment to app stores (Google Play Store and Apple App Store).
      - Hands-on: Preparing and deploying your mobile app to app stores.
      - Web and app security best practices.
      - Performance optimisation techniques.
      - Hands-on: Implementing security measures and optimising your applications.
      - Working on a capstone project: Building a full-fledged web and mobile application.
      - Presentation: Showcasing your project to the class.

Michael Ali

Software & Dev Ops Cloud Engineer


Gabriela Sewdhan

Software Engineer

Course Requirements

  • Laptop

  • Ensure you have a reliable laptop to access course materials and participate in interactive learning sessions.

  • Headset (If Online)

  • A quality headset will aid in clear communication during live discussions and tutorials.

  • Internet Connection (If Online)

  • A stable internet connection to access resources, libraries, and attend online sessions.

  • Basic Programming Knowledge

  • Having a programming background or an intermediate understanding of programming concepts is recommended.

  • Commitment

  • Be prepared to devote time and effort to get the most out of this comprehensive course.

  • Innovative Mindset

  • Foster a willingness to explore new ideas and think outside the traditional boundaries.

  • Initiative

  • Take the lead in your learning journey; be proactive in asking questions and engaging in course activities to enhance your understanding and skills.

Disclaimer: To ensure the best learning outcome and to fully benefit from the course content, attending all classes is highly recommended. Consistent attendance will aid in the successful completion of the capstone project, a critical element of this course.